Monday, March 1, 2010

Looking for a Glimpse of God

I am studying Esther and just read these words from Chuck Swindoll.

"God's presence is not as intriguing as His absence. His voice is not as eloquent as His silence. Who of us has not longed for a word from God, searched for a glimpse of His power, or yearned for the reassurance of His presence, only to feel that He seems absent for the moment? Distant. Preoccupied. Maybe even unconcerned. Yet later, we realize how very present He was all along."

Even when His presence isn't made known, He is there. I am not asking for His silence, but I have felt it more than once in this adoption process. This is a good personal reminder that God is listening and orchestrating our families even when we don't see his hand.


1 comment:

  1. I am following you friend .. and looking forward to seeing glimpses of his hands as he reveals a child/children into your home. Anxiously awaiting and excited to follow every step of HIS story! You are so right (in the post beneath) that each step is his orchestration and while sometimes we don't see it while we are walking the road ... later when you look back, you'll see the many footprints he left in the path along the way. Its those footprints that direct others and allows you to make him KNOWN! Love following! Can't wait for sweet celebration!
