Wednesday, September 8, 2010


When was the last time that God kept giving you the same message? By message, I mean something that he wants to teach you or reveal to you. Did you stop to listen? Usually my messages are emphasized through a sermon at CBC, a story shared at a bible study or through the mouth of a good friend or one of my toddlers. Occasionally, God uses something really bizarre that I'm not suspecting. My series of messages began in an unusual place.
The first time I saw it was Sunday evening at Subway. It was tattooed on the base of the manager's neck. Black. Cursive. 1-2" letters. He had lots of tattoos, but I took note of the single word.
While shopping at Lifeway Bookstore on Monday evening, I was flipping through prayer and memory verse books when my eyes caught the words: The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. Snagged. I scanned the top of the page and read: Parables of Jesus.
Half way through the morning on Tuesday, I opened my email and found the Proverbs 31 devotional of the day. The title said it all: The Pearl's Price. This was the third reference to pearl in three days. I started to pay attention.

"When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" Matthew 13:46 (NLT)

Rachel Olsen, the author of the devotional, gave an application step, a pray and ponder step. "What do you know Jesus has been asking you to do that you haven't done? Make the effort and do it. Pay the Pearl's price."

I think this is my message.
What have I been asking you to do, Danielle, that you haven't done?
I can't answer the question. Of course, it's not because I have done all that He's asked. If that were true I'd be . . . . Well, that's for God and me to discuss.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story, that totally gave me goosebumps and I love the verse....I'm gonna have to bring it up in our church life group next week. Awesome!
